Missionary Report from CERC Mission Field 


The Foreign Mission Committee/ Council

Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church

Singapore Dated 25th Jan 2024

Dear FMC/ Council

We wish you a Blessed New Year 2024 in the name of Our Redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ. We are thankful for God’s faithfulness and steadfast love for His Church here in Kolkata and in Singapore. We are very much thankful to you and God for continuing to sacrificially support the mission work in Kolkata. I was not well and I am still under medication. On 22nd December I had a motor bike accident, and had a little bleeding and pain on my left side. The accident happened near a police station, and Arun was with me. Two policemen came and gave us first aid in their room. Thank God that we both are safe. 

Very recently Sumit Pramanik also was very sick and was hospitalised. When he was released from hospital he was very weak due to not drinking water and eating food properly. Thank God he is now doing well. 

There is another brother, Aniketh Singh, who is 20 years old and has a neurological disorder. He is a regular attendee in our fellowship but recently he went missing. We were about to approach the police for help, but thank God he went home at midnight.  

Thank God for everything that he has done last year and we could begin 2024 with the great blessing and hope to see the true Gospel being proclaimed through the witness of CERC Kolkata. In the last two months I was able to meet a lot of local Christian leaders and they are very interested to learn the reformed faith. I intend to call them to study with us in our Bible study of the reformed doctrines.  

Now let me share the missionary report to you with a few pictures attached.  

Sharing Reformed faith to the women: On 8th December, a few sisters from the Assembly of God church visited us. We had a whole day’s  sharing of our reformed basic faith with them, and they are quite interested to learn the reformed faith. We are planning to set a day for them to study with us. Continue to pray for this group. My wife Sonali is in contact with them. Their pastor is also interested to learn the reformed faith. Our future step is to help them to join us in our fellowship. 


Mumbai Trip 16th to 20th December: Mumbai trip was very profitable during my third visit to them. Thank God for the zeal they have for the reformed faith.  This group is now meeting at Hilltop recording studio for time being, and they are looking for a permanent place for a larger gathering. During this trip I have preached on the Incarnation of Christ, the regulative principle of worship and Sola Christus. We had very a warm and vibrant fellowship with saints at Mumbai. 

Cottage Prayer Meeting: Mr Ardhendu Singh and Mrs, Anjana Singh have been worshipping with us  for the past six months.  Very recently they invited us to their home to have a cottage prayer meeting, and they invited their friends and other siblings to attend the meeting to hear the Gospel.  Anubrata Mondal led the prayer meeting and I shared the Gospel to them and closing prayer was done by Arun. This year 2024 onward we will have cottage prayer meeting going house to house, so that we can reach friends and family members of saints at their location. This is a good initiative to reach the lost souls with the Gospel. 

Sunday Worship Service and Preaching on Lord’s Day:  We begin with Sunday Devotion at 10am and worship at 5PM on the Lord’s Day . In the evening we have full attendance but less than 20 saints come in the morning. We have completed preaching from the Heidelberg catechism, so this year we have started preaching from the Belgic confession again. For the last three weeks, I have preached from the first article of the Belgic confession.

Church Order Class and Bible Study:  We have started our Church Order Class for the members including the office bearers. This year we have started our Bible study on Reformed Eschatology, as awareness is lacking in this area. 

Translation Work:  The Church Order is in the process of translation., Very recently, I invited a few Christian music composers and poets to my home and discussed with them about the psalter. They had never heard what is psalter, and never thought that psalms can be sung with melody and notes. Some of them said that they will help us to translate the psalter into Bengali.    

Prayer request:

  1. Pray for the Kolkata Fellowship to be instituted as a local church  
  2. Pray for the building and land
  3. Pray for the sick people in our church specially Aniketh Singh, Tanda Sarkar, and Pastor Singh
  4. Pray for Sudip Halder for his wife. She has returned to the Hindu faith and now worships at a Hindu temple.
  5.  Pray for the upcoming  Church camp

 With much gratitude and thankfulness I submit this report to the council of  FMC/Council of CERC Singapore.

In Christ’s Vineyard, 

Your Missionary Pastor

Rev. Emmanuel Singh

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